
How has changed the diet of the british: From 1942 to 2000

The Family Food Statistics website contains an array of historic data on the food purchasing habits in Britain. To know what they were eating in the middle of the last century may be of great interest. On top of this, if we can plot the trend towards more recent times, we can obtain a more detailed insight into the changes in their eating habits. And it’s quite likely that these findings could be extrapolated to many developed countries.

The British have been collecting data on it since 1942! Relevant data were systematically gathered and collated in the same format up to 2000, after which a new methodology was introduced. The charts below on changes in food consumption amongst people in Britain over the period 1942 to 2000 speak for themselves so no further comment is really needed.

These findings are quite significant, wouldn’t you say?

You can download the source file here

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